$80m netball stadium revamp shoots and scores

Artist's impressions above and below of the Netball SA Stadium upgrade.

The $80 million plan will see the existing Netball SA Stadium at Mile End rebuilt with more courts and better seating, offering an overall improved experience for the half a million people that attend the venue every year.

All 26 outdoor netball courts will be upgraded with better shelter, improved lighting and new playing surfaces, and the new indoor complex with 3000-seat show court will become a multi-sport facility.

This will allow other indoor sports like volleyball to use the revitalised stadium, helping to attract more national-level sporting events to the state.

Netball is one of the state's most popular physical activities, with more than 35,000 people regularly participating.

net1The existing Netball SA Stadium has been plagued by a range of issues including a leaking roof, failed air-conditioning and power outages which have forced the regular cancellation of games.

The Netball SA Stadium is part of the Mile End Sports Precinct, which this year will see the opening of the new South Australian Sports Institute, the Australian Centre for Sports Aerodynamics and the UniSA Sports Science hub, all complementing an upgraded SA Athletics Stadium.

The State Government’s investment of $80 million will build on $12 million already committed to the facility to ensure its future, including $6 million from the Australian Government.

The redevelopment will be completed in two stages, with the indoor facility due to be finished in late 2027.

The work follows last year’s announcement that the State Government had secured an agreement to move all Adelaide Thunderbirds home games to the much larger Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

Netball SA CEO Bronwyn Klei said she was thrilled by the announcement.

net4"The stadium is the home to netball and this redevelopment will secure the future for all of netball in South Australia,” Ms Klei said.

”We’ve worked tirelessly in recent years with the government to achieve this for our community and we’re so pleased our netball family will experience a first-class facility.”

Volleyball SA CEO Karla Della Pietra said the revamp would be a “momentous occasion for indoor volleyball in South Australia”.

“This redevelopment will give our sport the opportunity for further growth," Ms Della Pietra said.

"Volleyball’s membership in South Australia has increased exponentially, and providing more places to play is crucial to sustaining the sport's popularity."

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